Service · Empowerment · Change
I am not a career politician - rather a listener, helper, and problem solver. First and foremost, I will listen to you. My vote will be guided by you - not special interests. I will always assess the impact of my vote on today and tomorrow. Help put North Carolina on a better course – vote, donate, and volunteer for Margie Benbow.
As a candidate for North Carolina House, my priorities are:
Public School Funding
Pay for our teachers and staff is among the lowest in the nation. As a former school teacher, I will advocate for more funding for public schools. I oppose diverting hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to private schools, unlike my opponent who favors increasing private school subsidies. Public dollars belong in public schools. Every child should have​ access to quality education.
Reproductive Rights
My opponent, just like GOP candidate Mark Robinson, wants to continue to restrict women’s access to reproductive healthcare. I know every pregnancy is unique. Patients and their doctors should make healthcare decisions, NOT politicians.
I will fight to protect women’s rights and access to comprehensive healthcare.
Smaller Government
I oppose government overreach. Local communities should be empowered to make decisions that affect them directly. Common sense, not special interest, should dictate how decisions are made for the best interest of the people and their neighborhoods.
Voter Rights & Democracy
As an attorney, I volunteered to make sure election rules were followed and results were accurate. I will continue my fight for democracy by improving, not blocking, the access to vote. Same-day registration and early voting are critical and need to be expanded. I am also committed to fighting against gerrymandered voting districts that silence the wishes of the people. I believe in fair and transparent redistricting processes to ensure that every vote counts and every voice is heard.
I understand the importance of economic development in creating and retaining jobs. I will fight for resource-rich public schools, infrastructure improvements, and a business-friendly environment to foster economic growth. The role of public schools and community colleges for student empowerment and the benefit to our employers cannot be overstated. Good education equals good jobs for North Carolina.
Human Rights
My parents taught me to live by the golden rule - treating others as you would want to be treated. I am committed to practicing acceptance and recognizing the dignity and equality of all individuals.
Our borders (land, air and water) must be secure. Our amazing nation's power and prosperity were supported by a long history of immigrants pursuing the American dream. Comprehensive, constitutional and compassionate immigration reform that addresses labor shortages, ensures safety and promotes economic prosperity is a must.
Fiscal Responsibility
I started mowing lawns at 10, waitressed during high school and haven’t stopped working since. I will prioritize taxpayer dollars for essential services, and advocate for transparency and accountability in government spending. We need to cut wasteful spending. My opponent supports giving your hard-earned money to private schools. The GOP legislature spent millions to repair a dam for the benefit of a private country club. Spending taxpayers’ hard-earned money on private schools and country clubs is not essential - and must be stopped.
​Safeguarding clean air and water and protecting our parks and open spaces is critical for us, our children, and grandchildren. The health of our citizens and our state’s largest industry, agriculture, are dependent upon a clean environment. I will seek environmental justice and hold companies accountable for environmental law violations – not just give them a pop on the wrist like our current legislators.